Quick Shipment Quote

Quick Quotes based on shipments sent HAL (Hold at Location) to FedEx Svc Centers, or sent to other business addresses. Shipments to residential addresses will incur a small additional RES fee charged by Fedex.

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If you reached this site in error, please visit our LIVE SITE at WWW.REPTILES2YOU.COM.

FedEx posts important information about service delays on their website - before shipping, we strongly recommend checking for their latest updates atFedEx Service Alerts.

We also post updates and useful info on ourReptiles2You Facebook page.
The VAST majority of FX locations provide excellent service and great results for our customers. However, occasionally there are locations that are problematic and we recommend avoiding. We will maintain a list of such stations here, organized by state.

PHOENIX, AZ (6/2021) - FedEX Ship Center, 3002 E Old Tower Rd, Phoenix, AZ (near the airport) - this facility apparently handles lots of shipments that contain DRY ICE, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays. Live animals cannot ship in close proximity with dry ice, so this station often cannot accept live items for shipment. If you must ship out of this facility, we suggest doing so on Wed or Thurs, with the understanding that even THAT is hit/miss as to whether or not they can move this shipment (just depends on how many shipments with dry ice they have that day).

LOUISVILLE, KY (7/2021) - FedEx Ship Center, 4901 Crittenden Dr, 2037 Callahan Rd, Louisville, KY, 40209 - the FedEx HAL (Hold at Location) lookup function returns this as a valid location for HAL, but this facility is actually at an AIRPORT, and FX typically doesn't like us using airport locations to ship to (security issues). PLEASE DO NOT SHIP TO THIS LOCATION.

ROCHESTER, MN (4/2021) - FedEx Ship Center, 7800 Leqve Dr SW, Rochester, MN 55902 - this facility apparently handles lots of shipments that contain DRY ICE, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays. Live animals cannot ship in close proximity with dry ice, so this station often cannot accept live items for shipment. Unfortunately the next closest FX staffed location is 79 miles away at 9219 Grand Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55420. If you must ship out of this Rochester, MN facility, we suggest doing so on Wed or Thurs.

PORTLAND, OR (5/2021) - FedEx Ship Center, 5159 NE Cornfoot Dr, Portland, OR 97218 - the FedEx HAL (Hold at Location) lookup function returns this as a valid location for HAL, but this facility is actually at an AIRPORT, and FX typically doesn't like us using airport locations to ship to (security issues). PLEASE DO NOT SHIP TO THIS LOCATION. There is a FX staffed location 6 miles away at 4344 N Port Center Way, Portland, OR 92717 - we recommend using that for HAL shipments to this area.

LOUSIVILLE, TN (5/2021) - FedEx Ship Center, 2037 Callahan Rd, Louisville, TN 37777 - the FedEx HAL (Hold at Location) lookup function returns this as a valid location for HAL, but this facility is actually at an AIRPORT, and FX typically doesn't like us using airport locations to ship to (security issues). PLEASE DO NOT SHIP TO THIS LOCATION.
NEVER SHIP LIVE ITEMS ON A FRIDAY! We currently do not provide Saturday delivery service via our website.  Items shipped on a Friday will not be delivered until MONDAY, which could easily result in a DOA animals.

Monday is the busiest day of the week for FedEx (delays are more likely), and shipping live items on Thursdays is a little more risky as a delay could mean your shipment is not delivered until the following MONDAY.

BEST Days to ship live items: TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY.

Also, since delays are often due to heavy volume at the destination areas, we recommend shipping "HAL" ("Hold at Location") to a FedEx facility and allow your recipient pick up there to avoid "last mile" delays. HAL can be selected on the Shipping Labels page when purchasing your label.
FedEx is in the process of upgrading their labeling infrastructure (label barcode format, software, etc). Labels you get from our site are in their new format, but if the label is for a HAL (Hold at Location) shipment, some FedEx stations are unable to scan the new barcode properly (yes - the labels we provide to you are actually created by FedEx, in their designated format, and some of their own scanners cannot read them properly).

FedEx had said they would have their entire system updated by Christmas 2020, but apparently that did not happen - we are hearing reports that some FX stations are still printing the additional small barcode label to apply to HAL shipments. YOU DON'T NEED TO DO ANYTHING - the FX agent will know when they scan your package if the additional label is required. (Just be advised that if you are dropping off more than one package, only give the FX clerk ONE AT A TIME to ensure that additional labels they may print are not applied to the wrong package.)
Reptiles2You can help facilitate shipping into Canada via our partnership with Canadian import specialist Reptile Express - DETAILS HERE. (Note: this is the ORIGINAL "Reptile Express" in CANADA - NOT the American company that goes by by a similar name.)
Packages can be REFUSED BY FEDEX or delayed in transit if not labeled properly.

Both the Lacey Act and IATA (International Air Transport Association) require that all packages containing live animals be properly identified and labeled, and FEDEX REQUIRES THIS AS WELL.

Requirements in some states may differ slightly (we suggest checking with individual state FWS offices for complete info), but generally speaking requirements are:
  • Common name of species in package
  • Scientific name of species in package
  • Quantity of animals in package
Florida and California are known to be especially vigilant about inspections/citations, and lately we have heard reports of other states tightening up as well.

On ourFAQ pagewe provide afillable PDF form(you can fill it out on your computer and print it out). Be sure the label is securely attached to your package, that it does not cover any part of the FedEx label (placing it on one SIDE works well), and taped over completely with clear tape for protection. (Our label also reminds FedEx employees that Reptiles2You is officially approved to ship live animals to businesses and residences (helps prevent over-zealous FX employees from refusing to accept your pkg)). Be sure to also include the same information INSIDE the box (under top flaps on top of foam insulation).

Reptiles2You Membership

Reptiles2You provides discounted FedEx shipping services to our registered members. Reptiles2You is FREE TO JOIN, simply click the button below to sign up and start saving money today!


We have been doing business with Debbie for quite a while now, and all I can say is there isn't anyone I would rather work with. She is in a class by herself when it comes to customer service and is always on top of things. Good luck Reptiles2you, in my book you guys are already on top!

Chris & Simone Shaver, Chimera Reptiles

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